Sunday, 19 April 2020

None of the ONLINE companies have helped | Support Local Vendors

Dear Friends ,

All online companies Amazon , Snapdeal, Flipkart etc will start working from 20th April. 
You all have observed who has come to your rescue in the time of this Lockdown. *It were the general stores , dairy stores , local vegetable vendors , medical stores .* 
Also as you are aware there are so many of the shops / stores who have kept their respective business units closed while bearing the overhead expenses . Still many of these people have come forward and helped general public in various ways like of distribution of food , groceries and also donated to PM Cares fund . 

 *None of the ONLINE companies have helped people in this time of crisis. Nor have they helped our government in any way .* 

It is a humble request to all our fellow Indians to purchase and support our Local vendor. Your small support will be of great help in bringing back our economy on track. 

 *_In this time of crisis don't just think of saving a few Rupees by buying online . Remember who has supported you and keep supporting the local vendors. 

Jai Bharat . 
Jai Hind.